D. Lanza
They almost seem to speak, the ceramic vases hand shaped by Jimmy D Lanza’s mind exclusively for LOOPO and dedicated to one of the most beloved figures of traditional Milanese iconography. That’s the “sciùra”, the lady dressed up you can spot crossing the street and who you immediately notice, because she is painted with eccentric colour palettes and sophisticated outfits. Never excessive, however.
No matter how important the occasion, “the Aunt” never goes out of the house if her dress, makeup and wigs are not impeccable. It doesn’t matter if she has to get on the number 9 tram at Porta Genova only to go to the Porta Romana Agricultural Market. The artist from Vigevano has therefore chosen to portray them in this way, true to reality, life-size and each with its own identity: meet Luisa, a cougar always up for a joke, with a leopard fur and the fiery red Fedora; or Gisella, as precise and lively as her pastel suit with matching hat. Last but not least, Vilma, with 5 divorces behind her, a bewitching smile (perhaps because of this) and the celestial beret from which she never separates herself.
Of course, the final touch of the look it’s up to you and the choice of the plant to put in the hat-vase. An element that may also occupy more or less attention in the work if you decide to focus on red or white solid colour paint. Whatever the choice, you can be sure the lady will make an excellent impression, as always.